Sunday, February 13, 2011

Now I am afraid to work!!!

It seems like every time I leave the house and do something fun, something for me, (which usually involves something for the house, like shopping for the house, or in this case, going to a couponing class with the church-which I will write about later.) I always leave so refreshed, so happy, so...energized...And then I get home. It's like everything falls apart while I am gone, even if it is just 2 or 3 hours. Not to sound arrogant, because I know I am not perfect. But how hard is it to run a house for a few hours! I come home. The house is messy, compared to my standards. There is a plate on the counter. The microwave is sitting at an odd angle. So is the George Forman. The counters needed to be wiped down. The pillows on the couch aren't fluffed. Ugh...I know it seems petty, but I am picky. But no big deal. I just cleaned it up. Well, next, Samantha is whining. Jessie said she wasn't acting like that at all until I got home. She just keeps saying, "Will you get my babydoll?" "I'm hungry." "I'm itching. Can I have some medicine?" Which is all fine, but why does she have to bombard me right as I walk in the door?! Oh no...Now I sound like my Mother...Anyway, then Jessie hits me with the news, "I went to shop for your gift and our debit card got rejected. It says we only have like $100.00." Um HECK NO! There is more than that in there. And I know it for a fact! I am so tired of this bank. Their stuff never matches up with mine. I know I am not stupid. So now I have to figure this out...On top of getting Samantha a bath and getting her to bed. AND worrying about that job tomorrow since she is supposed to call...UGH! I probably shouldn't be blogging right now with so much to do, but I just can't help myself. I am SOOOOO frustrated right now!!! Rant over...

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