Monday, February 14, 2011

Couponing Class

I am going to post this on my other blog too, but probably in more depth. Not sure. Depends on how much time I have. I probably will, just not today. Let me just say, the class was a blast. It was hosted by a married couple at my church. The husband stays home, so he does all the shopping. He is a couponing god. I learned a lot of things, but at the same time, we don't buy name brand, so I also learned we are probably better off continuing to buy things not name brand, because even with coupons, name brand can sometimes be more expensive. It is one of those things you have to look at and say, "Okay, is it worth my time to spend a few hours a week searching these deals and having to compare them to off brand? And maybe or maybe not saving a few dollars? Or am I okay with the fact that I save enough by shopping at the Dollar Store and only buying the things on my list-also called tunnel vision and not bringing Jessie" I know a lot of people, usually people who have money, will spend like $500.00 or more on groceries for a family of four every month. We spend about $250.00 for all three of us. That includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for every day, all month.
He gave us papers on the main grocery stores around here and their couponing policies. You can also find it on their website, but I will post it on my other blog. Some stores will double coupons, some won't. There are some that take competitors coupons. He taught us the different types of coupons. He taught us how to use coupons during sales. If something  is buy one get one free and you have a manufacture's coupon and a store coupon, use them both. And sometimes they will end up owing you after rebates, etc. The manufacture will send you a rebate in the mail. And then on top of that, lot of times the cereal or whatever you just bought will also have a coupon inside the packaging that you can use later. (That is usually on new products.) Gosh, he just taught us so much. I would have to go through the powerpoint he printed for us and summarize each slide. I will. I will. That will be my goal for the week, but I have to figure out the bank thing first.
However, here is a website he gave us if you wanna try and figure it out. You can make a shopping list and everything on here, based on the store you shop at, and the lady has a drop down list of all the coupons available for each item and how to get the coupon, like where it is located. She also has a database of EVERY coupon available at that time, and you can search them! It is pretty neat. I haven't gotten to check it out very much yet, but I will.

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