Tuesday, January 11, 2011


It was still snowing when I took this picture.

This was the snow fort.

She is looking more and more like a big kid every day.

Jessie, peaking out of the hole in his igloo.


Us, in the igloo.

Samantha was on the outside of the igloo. We were inside.

Us, inside of the igloo.



She tried, but got scared.

Yesterday, we had a LOT of snow! I have never seen so much snow, that I can remember. Jessie's job shut down, which is VERY rare. And he still couldn't go in today because of all the ice. They just plowed the roads yesterday for some reason and they are salting them today. It was weird. Anyway, I am glad he got to stay home because it was a BLAST! First, we played in the snow, just the three of us. Jessie built a snow fort and Samantha got to crawl through the whole. But then we felt bad because my Mom said Brennon hadn't been outside because she didn't like the cold, so she was going to wait. So Jessie offered to go get them since they weren't far down the road. He already had to go to the store to pick up dinner and milk. We wouldn't have gotten it earlier, but we didn't have the money until yesterday. Anyway, so he went to go get them. And I went inside to visit with my Mom while Jessie played with the babies. THEN, after they left, Jessie went to go get his brother and his brother's girlfriend. Again, I stayed inside and visited with her so Samantha could have time to warm up. And somehow, my Best Friend, Suzi, found her way to my doorstep too. So we decided to walk down to the store just for a little bit of fun. (We used to walk EVERYWHERE together for as long as I can remember, about 6 or 7 years. lol.) No cars had come down my road that day, so we figured why not. The store was just at the end of the road. Got there, there was nothing good...so we went back home where Jessie had been building an igloo for Samantha and it was finished. He wanted her to get in so bad, but she wouldn't. We tried to bribe her, but it didn't work. That thing was HUGE! It wasn't exactly a pretty shape, but it was functional, and warm! Jessie and I could both fit in there together. And me and Suzi could fit in there with Samantha, and we could sit up all the way! It was pretty cool, until we left to go to my friend, Suzi's, and somebody threw their whole body on top of it while we were gone. That makes me SO mad. It took Jessie all afternoon to make that for Samantha and some, I guess KID, messed it up. She really wanted to go back out and see it today and I had to tell her no! We only share a backyard with one person and they knew how hard Jessie worked on it. They saw him and they kept laughing at him. GiR! Anyway, other than that, it was a pretty decent, but busy day. Much better than that regular 'ol schedule we usually follow. Wake up, eat, play, Barney, eat, play, nap, Daddy's home. lol. And now, Jessie is so warn out, he is still sleeping! It's almost 11 o'clock.
In other news, Jessie has been talking about us having a real wedding in the next few years, once I start working and we have a little more money to do it. He wants to have a new anniversary. lol. We always wanted to get married on June 1st when we started dating, so we will probably do that. I am excited. I have never wanted a big wedding, but the whole court house thing was too quick and only our Moms got to come. It was...nothing special.

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