Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year

Well, everybody else was making a New Years post, so I thought I would make one too. Ha Ha.
We had a lot of major milestones. I graduated college. Jessie got a good job. We got our own place. Jessie and I have been married for a year! I feel like ya'll have been through it with me since I started this blog in like March. Ha Ha. A lot happened with Samantha in 2010. I was so glad to finally get her the help she needed. That is so far behind us now. And she has matured so much since she turned two! Everything about her. Her facial expressions. Her language. Even the way she plays. She is a little girl, not a Baby. It is so precious and I Love to see her grow, but I am sad to see time pass.
Also, I have one more resolution to add to my list. I really do want to be a better house wife. I want to cook like I should, and have Samantha help. I think she would like that. Of course I will still use the box for some things, but for others, it would be nice to try out new recipes or whatnot. I already clean to a ridiculous standard, so I guess that really isn't anything I need to work on...But I would really like to learn to sew. I got a small sewing machine while I was out with Suzi the other day. I am hoping my Nana will help me learn to use it. That way I can start making those pillowcase dresses and boutique dresses I mentioned awhile back. I think this is going to be a good year now that we are stable. I think we are done growing our family for sure. It was short-lived, I know, one child, but I truly think I prefer it that way. I think the next step is to get a house...It may be awhile though. It really depends what kind of job I get and if Jessie decides to go back to school like he wants. He has been looking it up online and he thinks he wants to go to Devry University for Game and Simulation Programming. We will see...HAPPY 2011!!!

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