Monday, October 18, 2010

Guthrie Pumpkin Farm

Well, we took Sam to the Guthrie Pumpkin Farm this weekend. We drove toward the top of Tennessee. It took over and hour to get there. They have hay rides, a pumpkin patch were you get to pick your own pumpkins off the vine! It was 40 cents a pound. And then they had a petting zoo, a bunch of different mazes, including a corn maze, and a little country store. It was really neat! But she LOVED the petting zoo. I just feel bad because when there are a lot of people around, she lets everybody push her around and she just waits patiently in the back. So she didn't get to see the animals at first. Finally, Daddy got some food for the animals and helped her get up front to see the animals and feed them. She was scared at first, but then she Loved it. She kept saying, ? "MORE!" She didn't like the hayride until AFTER we got off of it. They drove us to the pumpkin patch and she wasn't too interested in finding a pumpkin because she wanted back on the truck! But we got her calmed down for five minutes, long enough to choose a pumpkin. She chose a big orange one. Then I got a green pumpkin. =) In all-we got two big pumpkins, a medium one, and four gourds and a basket to put them in for under $20.00. Then we went to Cracker Barrel. I haven't eaten there in so long. We discoved Sami likes chiken and dumplings. =p We had fun, although it was pretty hot. We were all dressed in Halloween outfits with long sleeves and pants. But I think the only really bad part was realizing that Sami has most definitely hit the "Terrible 2's." She has been awful lately, just a nightmare. Not as bad as some kids, but bad enough to embarrass me and keep a lot of our family outings hurried. It is like one minute she is an angel and the next she is Satan in his small, evilest form. She doesn't like anything! Or at least she says she doesn't. And then if we stop doing whatever it is, like the hay ride, she STILL throws a fit! She will say, "No! You stop now!" And litterally five seconds later she will say, "I Love my Baby Doll!" And give it kisses and be so sweet that it breaks my heart. Speaking of sweet, one last thing. The other day, my Mom and I were at a thrift store and I bought Sami a little Baby Doll for like 39 cents and Sami looked at me after she handed the doll to the lady at the register and said, "Thank You my Doll, Momma." It was sweet. I almost cried. I am such a cry baby. Ha Ha.Lastly, that top picture is Sami with her camera ready to take pics. Ha Ha. I got her a toddler camera at a yardsale for $2.00. It is one of those $50.00 ones I was thinking about getting her for Christmas so I got lucky. She LOVES that thing!

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