Thursday, September 30, 2010

Got Lucky Today

Welp, Jessie made it through several lay-offs and finally, today, he got laid off. They told him right before the end of the day and then told him to call the home office to see if they can maybe send him somewhere else. So that is what he did when he got home and they told him to come to the office and they would put him to work, same pay, same hours, and they are going to try their hardest to keep him there so he doesn't get laid off! Whew! He just has to make it through January. Because, I can FINALLY talk about my plans!!! I might actually get a job, outside of the house. Which, I know isn't what I wanted, but this is the ONLY job I would do this for. And I wish I could wait until Sami was in school, but these jobs NEVER come open, so I have to take it while I can. Sami's Parent educator told me about a job that is coming open next year to be a TEEN Parent educator. Meaning, they would go around to all the highschools and teen's houses (if they have kids) and do what she does! I asked her if I could apply. I have wanted to be a Parent Educator since I saw what Tammie does. I have job shadowed her and asked her a million questions. Anyway, she said she would give me a GREAT recommendation! I have my old Early Childhood portfolio and a resume already put together. I am VERY excited! I would LOVE to work with Tammie! I know I would be leaving Sami, BUT, Jessie would be staying at home with her. He'd be going back to school, but he would go online for all his pre. reqs. until Sami gets into preschool. I already told him I didn't want Sami in daycare and that was the deal and he said okay. He is actually really excited to be a "Stay At Home Dad," until he gets his degree. He wants to go for teaching. And IF he does finish, then we will BOTH have all the holidays and summers off with Sam. PAT goes by the Catoosa County School Calendar. So, apparently you have to live in the county you work in for Communities In School, AKA Parents As Teachers, so maybe I have a good shot. There aren't TOO many people in Catoosa and I doubt many people want the job. So, HOPEFULLY, it will all work out. If not, Transcribing, here I come...

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