Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Finals and Such

Woo-Hoo!!! I just finished my first final for this quarter. I now have one final on campus and one small project and I am DONE!!! Then the next few weeks belong to me and Sami! I won't start back for my last quarter until sometime at the very end of September, maybe even October. School, School, School...I will finally be done soon! But then work possibly...eh. lol.

Anyway, the weather here has been beautiful. We have been taking Sami out every day. We are taking her to the playground after Jess gets off work today. =) I can't wait for Fall. It brings so many pretty things. I Love to take pictures in the Fall. Plus, Fall means Sami's birthday and Halloween and ThanksGiving. It also means winter is coming and that means Christmas is coming. And Christmas means everyone is happy and baking and Christmas music...

Oh, and just a small vent since this is the only place that I can TRULY vent....PEOPLE ANNOY ME!!! You know, the people who think their lives are better than everyone's and they try to shove it in your face. Not the kind of people who are just truly happy and want to share it with the world. The people that say, "Well, my husband has never done anything wrong." Come ON! He is a guy! Of course he has! Or you know, the kind of people that say, "Why, I would never..." When in reality they definitely would! Those kinds of people...UGH

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