Thursday, August 5, 2010

Our Marriage Anniversary

So yesterday was mine and Jessie's one year marriage anniversary. We weren't actually supposed to celebrate yet, but I guess Jessie wanted to surprise me anyway. He took off work early and went to WalMart to buy me a gift. (A picture frame-as usual. lol) I didn't know he was off work, so when he came home, he rang the door bell and ran. I was scared because I didn't see anybody through the eye whole. I was like, "Oh no. Somebody is going to break in!" I started freaking out and telling Sami to stay quiet. Finally, I opened the door and the gift Jessie propped up against the door fell and scared me. I about had a heart attack because about that time he came running up to me. He was trying to be cute, but he ended up almost killing me. lol. After that, he explained he got off work early to come see me. However, I think it was sort an anniversary gift for himself. Ha Ha. Because the heat index said 107 degree and he works outside! He helped me pick out some pictures for the frame. It was one of those collage frames. And he picked out where he wanted me to put it too. After that, we played a game-Pay Day. He won. He hates playing bored games, until he starts winning. =) And then he put Sami down for a nap for me! I can never get her to sleep, but Jessie can somehow. I have tried everything-music, a music movie (always classical). I have laid down with her like I do at night. I have just ignored her in hopes that she would get tired of me not wanting to play and she would fall asleep. I don't know what else to do, so now she just has quiet time and if she wants to sleep, she can sleep. Anyway, we spent some more time together and we watched some TV. We had a good dinner. We ate breakfast. Ha Ha. Pancakes, Eggs, and Bacon. Then after she fell asleep last night, we watched a movie and he went down the hill to Sonic and bought us some ice cream-Snickers Blast. What I have planned for out anniversary is next weekend. I want to cook him dinner, steak, potatoes, and corn on the cob. Then, for dessert-brownies and ice cream. (We LOVE our ice cream.) I don't like to have anybody babysit Samantha, so I am going to wait until she goes to sleep. I bought all new table cloths, wine glass (which I am going to fill with the sparkling grape juice he Loves, since we don't drink), and napkins-the nice ones. I am very excited. It hope it turns out well.

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