Friday, July 9, 2010

I Just Wanna Blog

About Life-What is going on. Samantha is asleep. I just started school back Monday. But since I go online, I didn't have to do anything much different. The break was nice, but it doesn't take long for me to do my work. I am usually done by time Samantha wakes up. My friend, Suzi, has been over to see me a few times. Which I am really greatful for because she needed to talk to me and I needed to talk to her. She was here all day the other day. It was nice to get to talk about old times. We have known each other forever! She moved right before I got pregnant with Samantha, so I was sorta sad that I wouldn't have her to share everything with. As far as the house goes, it is all set up. Except, I am waiting on Jessie to bring home his leveler so that I can hand up our family portraits. He is supposed to help me with them. And we are hoping to get more done sometime soon. It has been awhile. We have had a lot going on and just haven't thought about it. We have only been here about three weeks and it feels like we have been here much longer. We are finally getting the hang of things and getting used to our new budget. A lot has changed, but for the better. Samantha is so much happier and she sleeps 110% better. She doesn't try to crawl in out bed anymore. She likes her "Big Girl Room." Speaking of Big Girl, she has been using her potty better too. She tells me when she needs to go and usually she will. She doesn't tell me every time, but that is okay. I am not going to push. She is barely old enough to be working on it now. Anyway, we are also getting used to our new schedule. It seems like there is more time in the day. I guess because I spend less time stressing and more time playing now. (I keep everything spotless, which really helps because messes stress me out. Plus, I don't have to hear Jessie and my Mom argue or my brother and my Mom.) I think this was the best thing for us. I feel like our own family because we can do what we want to do whenever we want to. And I guess we could before, but we felt obligated to do what everybody else was doing. We even felt guilty going to the park without inviting everybody else. Or if we wanted to order pizza for dinner and watch movies one night, we felt like we had to buy for all SIX of us! So it is nice to not feel that way anymore. I guess I should go. Sami usually wakes up around nine or so.

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