Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We Got the Place...Now What?

So, I called yesterday and found out we got the place. I am so excited. We are starting to move boxes tonight and we sign the lease around lunch time. The only problem is, when I was on the phone with the landlord, he gave me this HUGE lecture about how we are still just kids and we are barely going to be getting by and we need to pay our rent and take care of the place. And he just kept on. He was being a real jerk to be honest. But we won't have to deal with him much because he lives in Atlanta. I understand he has been burned by kids like us before, but I didn't even do anything and he was jumping on me. It sort of made me mad. And in a way, it made me nervous. I have done the budget in my head a million times over and written it down on paper again and again and somehow, that guy tricked me into believing we can't do it. I start thinking about those unpaid holidays and how I have to get books for school by the 5th and I just start worrying myself sick. So now I have this nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach and it won't go away. But I am not backing down. Not now that we finally got our chance. I know we can do this. Anyway, on to the good news, WE ARE MOVING INTO OUR OWN PLACE! I am worried about DD though. How will she take it? I have done my best to help with the transition. I bought her a children's book about moving. I have read it to her. And I know she isn't even two yet, but every day, I have talked to her about it and explained to her exactly what is going to happen. I tell her about our new schedule and exactly how we will set up the house. I even explained to her that her Grams (Dumb) and Uncles won't be there. I just hope this is the right decision and we aren't just jumping into something and won't make it.

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