Saturday, March 21, 2015

Baby Items

Just gotta have somewhere to talk about all the sweet baby things I have built up. Where better than my blog?

I had stocked up on a lot of things last time we were TTC. I bought a nice set of cloth diapers. Mostly neutral colored. Came with everything I need right down to the most adorable wet bags.  And a few rolls of disposable liners. Almost $1,000 worth of stuff that looked brand new for $150. I saw that as a sign. A great deal like that? Best find I will ever get. But since that "sign" never came to light,  I almost sold all of what I had. Came very close. Posted it and everything. And I chickened out. I couldn't let go. It was all I had.  I vowed to never to buy things up like that again. It was too heart breaking to pack up and put away in the garage.  And here I am buying things up while I wait-again. I have so much of what I need.  And what I don't have,  I know exactly what I want when I get it.  (I am building up slowly because I want to make sure I get exactly what I want.)

I went through my storage bin the other day and found that I still had all the cloth diapering stuff I Need-Baby Genius. Good brand. Exactly what I wanted after hours of sweat and research. I have over 30 diapers, 50 liners, some of which are bamboo for overnight, small extras like disposable liners and such.  I have a wrap, my favorite brand, Moby, what I always wanted,  and in the right size-When I had S I always tried to use a sling but I bought whatever I could find at yardsales and usually they weren't the right size because I am so tiny. I have Boppies! A baby Boppy and a pregnancy pillow. :D Both with cute covers. Picked those both up for $15 off Craigslist. I have some small items I got here and there and couldn't do without. A breast pump. Only paid $15 for. Matching Medela bottles with tops that you can twist to show what time they are meant for. Disposable breast pads and creme that I got for like 25 cents at a yardsale. A tummy time toy with different textures. It was Samantha's old toy and I have never seen anything like it so I'm glad I have it now.  That sort of stuff.  (I also have a walk around table toy-may not keep.  It isn't in the greatest shape. And a crib which we probably won't use unless we use the toddler bed part.)

I have researched what I want to do about a bed/sleep for the baby. Hubby doesn't want to co-sleep with a newborn and I can understand that. But I don't want to use a crib or bassinet. So we settled for a baby hammock.  I already found the one I want. And for a great price. DH says he will hang the bolts in our bedroom and living room, possibly the kitchen if it doesn't do too much damage to b the ceiling so I can move it around and use it as a baby swing also. It goes up to 12 months! So that is SOLD!  He told me to go ahead and buy it. I haven't yet because it is an awful big purchase to make without knowing if I can even get pregnant.
Everything is an Earth tone green with other Earth tone colors mixed in-right down to the wet bags!

Researched the carseat. We will probably be getting the Alpha and Omega Elite. Great safety rating and I love the air safety sides on the head.  S's Carseat had it. However, I purchased it from a friend when she was about 4. Before that she had bottom of the line.  And I learned my lesson.

I have also made some smaller purchases after much research.  An MP3 of pregnancy and labor hypnosis.  Had all great reviews.  I figure the Doula I chose offers so many services and really supoorts natural labor,  so I know she will be more than willing to encourage me and answers my questions.  Which reminds me,  I need to get some Myrrh Oil...Anywho...

I have kept some things that were special to me from Sam's babyhood. Baby Luvs books.  Her first board books. Her Leap Frog Video Game.  Curious Buddies DVDs. Her classical music and lullabies CD we got from Babies R Us as a registration gift.  I sometimes wonder if the next baby will love these things and respond to them as much as S did.  (Music would calm her in any situation.  Especially the Baby Music Art Show DVD. I wonder if that is where her love of art and classical music stems from.)  Unrelated...It had just been really neat going through things again.  A little heartbreaking. Makes me a little anxious. But the Vitex is doing is job so I just keep telling myself "any day now."

I've even started buying maternity clothes. I really love that "label" on the Motherhood Maternity clothes. It has always been my dream to look cute pregnant and have the clothes they sale at the mall! When I was pregnant with S I wore a lot of stretchy pants early on. Then I wore some hand me down maternity clothes that looked like they were from the 90s. I had one cute shirt from WalMart and some jeans Jessie got me for my birthday because he worked some overtime. I bought two maternity tshirts from KMart on clearance once. And toward the end my Aunt took me to Ross and bought some nice clothes as a surprise because I was getting huge. I'm very thankful for that. I always will be. This time around though we can get the clothes I need. So I've been looking at yardsales and consignments and buying up their Motherhood tops and some other good brands. I have some plain long sleeve and shirt sleeve tops and a pair of Motherhood jeans, Old Navy capris, and Duo Maternity shirts. (All except the capris are brand new looking.  Capris are pretty wrinkled.) I'd like to find some khakis for camping. And of course more tops. And some nursing bras. However, I'd say it is a good start seeing as I am not pregnant and nowhere near close to being a  whale anytime before the next 6 months.  I have lots of yardsales to be going to between now and then.

Shopping now just helps me get ahead of the game-financially that is, as I find deals. And once I am pregnant I will still have plenty to do on top of the usual. Continue teaching S, caring for the house and Hubby and such.  I'll need to go check out the birthing center I plan to deliver at. I'll be visiting with my Doula. Practicing the labor hypnosis. Researching more on how to beastfeed  and cloth diaper correctly. Might take a breastfeeding class. Buying baby clothes-which is one thing I won't be doing beforehand. Ahh! I can't wait!!!!

I'm over this TTC, BBT charting, taking 6 supplements a day, worrying if I cough to hard it won't implant crap.  I'm ready!  I want to see a positive test,  jump up and down and hug my Husband.  I want to tell my daughter she is going to finally be a big sister to a child here on Earth.  I want to take her to American Girl to get her a big sister gift and celebrate.  I want to get big,  feel kicks, have an ultrasound and hold a baby of my own for the first time in years and watch it grow up and waddle along side us while we do our unschool thing like all the other homeschoolers in CHEA. I want to endure labor. And another set of stretchmarks. I want to lose sleep at night. Deal with tantrums. Put together sensory activities for him or her to do while S and I bury ourselves in a project. Or read a book aloud while they both sit and listen. Hike with a giant hiking carrier on my back and complain about the extra weight. Watch S show the baby its new world, be a big sister,  and have somebody to make memories with. Having a big age gap is gonna be great. I can't wait!

Stylin' Organic Wet Bags

They are so clean!

My Moby Wrap

This is one of the nice, newer Boppies. Back when Samantha was little they weren't as fluffy. 

Maternity Body Pillow

Medela is such a big name. So I had to go with it. 

Cool bottles I got for free in the free box at a consignment!

Tummy Time Toy-Even the cat loved it! It spins! 

Just a few sentimental items. 

A gift my grandmother gave to me when we were TTC the first time and it was taking awhile. 

Three of my tops!

Wasn't sure what months I would be pregnant so I didn't want to buy too many winter clothes. But if you are pregnant 9 out of 12 months, chances are pretty good I will be able to wear it at some point. 
The pants and shorts are totally stylin'!

This is what the hammock will look like. Matches our room and the rest of the house. Has an Earth tone shade of green to it. It is neutral. (We actually didn't start out wanting a neutral color, but I am a sucker for those Earth tones!) 

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