Monday, October 8, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday was the Pumpkin Patch. It was a ton of fun! This year, Samantha was such a big girl! She threw ZERO fits! I mean, none. She was awesome the whole day. This is one of those ages I have been looking forward too, because every year, well, the last two years, she has throw a fit every time because she was tired or hungry or uncomfortable or whatever, but not this year! 

We went to church first thing in the morning. Jessie joined us again. :) Then, after church we went to the bank. We got out the cash for the trip, and decided we can't go over that amount. Jessie held onto it because I am so tired of freaking out constantly wondering if we are on budget. I figured this would be a good way for Jessie to see the money disappear and I wouldn't have to worry about it. (Jessie doesn't seem to grasp the concept of, as you spend it, it goes away faster than you realize. And then when we are broke, he is like, "Where did the money go?" Well...uh...You spent 10 dollars here, 10 dollars there, 20 here...And it adds up quick.) Anyway, enough of my rant, just glad I found a decent solution so I could actually have fun this time without constantly saying, "Jessie, we can't do this or get that." So after the bank, we picked up breakfast/lunch from Sonic. (I had coupons. lol) And then we left out for Riceville, TN. The drive isn't too bad, only about an hour. We talked most of the time, or I read. Sam played her LeapPad. And Jessie listened to music. 

We were some of the first people there, so while we waited on them to finish up hayrides, we went into their "General Store" to shop. (It is basically like a yardsale inside, and it has a lot of country style stuff.) Jessie and I found several things we wanted for the house, but the big things we wanted, like the milk can and fruit crates, were not for sale. :/ I did, however, get an older looking clock, and then some sort of wall hanging/cabinet thing that was cute. And they were both only a couple of dollars. I think I can find a way to incorporate them when we redecorate the living room. I have been finding a lot at yardsales, old lamp shades, old books, etc. And I am really excited because I think we are going to gp ahead and put down laminate in February. And I have found a way to decorate the hallway. It is going to be her place to display most of the stuff she learns. We have a nature basket in the kitchen and art on the refrigerator and in her room, so I am in no way trying to limit where she puts her work, but I thought the hallway would be a great "centerpiece" with the timeline and such. And then, we are framing some of her "flatter" findings, like her leaves and such, and I want to put them above the door ways. I think it'll be cute...But anyway enough about that. 

We got on the hay ride. Sam loved it-always does. We rode up to the pumpkin patch. The reason I love the patch in Riceville so much, is that it is an actual patch, like you pick your own pumpkin off the vine. Jessie found one that was 30 pounds! He always has to get a big pumpkin. He carves his every year. I got one of those white baking pumpkins. I am not sure if I am going to bake with it or just monogram it and use it for decoration. And Sam got a small pumpkin-10 pounds. She usually paints hers, but this year she says she wants to carve it. 

They also have a petting zoo there, one of Samantha's favorite parts. (Of course, she says everything was her favorite.) They had bunnies, and chickens, donkies, mules, horses, cows, pigs, and goats. She was a little afraid to feed them, but she pet them a few times. And she was excited to watch them and see what they do. She notices such small things that I don't. I would love to see through a child's eyes. I am hoping to keep that attention to detail alive in her. 

They had a playarea with those balls that you sit on and bounce, a huge slide, some other things to climb on, and some random activities, like "lassoing". Jessie and I both played on the bouncy balls with her and Jessie went down the slide with her. (I am terrified of closed in slides.) 

And lastly, as reluctant as Jessie and I were at first, we did the cornmaze. Sam actually wanted to do it this year, and I was determined to get our money's worth, $18.00 total for admission-yah, we were going to do it. :p We were going to trick her and have her go in a little bit of the way, and then tell her the map said to turn around, but we ended up kind of taking a long walk in a circle, no turns, and it led us straight out. She was so proud of herself because she lead the whole time and "read her map." 

We left after we picked up some more stuff to decorate the front porch with-hay and some small pumpkins. And then went to eat dinner at Red Robin. We usually love that place, but it didn't seem as good as it was before. We haven't been in awhile. Anyway, it was still fun, spending time with Jess and Sam, and not having to cook or clean up dinner. I'd say we had a pretty good day. This was our 3rd year doing it and this year, by far, was the best. 

Next week we are going to the Apple Festival and then apple picking in Elijay. 

Never knew what this was until Jessie told me. :) 

My Dinky Family trying to make our pics look dumb. :) 

Sam wanted to take a picture of us. 

We still have to decorate the pumpkins and set up the front porch, but this is what we have so far. 

Almost forgot to add, pics from the last two years. I know they look like the same year. That is because she was wearing the same outfit both years. But they are different years. I can't believe how much she has grown since then! 

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