I've thought, and thought, and thought, Dear Lucy,
How to put you in a poem.
I just have to find a way to say, My Lucy,
How I've felt for you so long.
Lucy, you're my child,
My unborn little angel.
My blonde hair, blue eyed,
Sweet, sweet girl.
I wish I would have known...
I wish I would have knows the tears I'd cry for you.
The prayers that I would pray.
But Lucy, what you've done for me,
Words cannot explain.
Lucy, girl, I Love You.
That, I know you know.
And I know that you Forgive me.
You've even told me so.
I've told the Lord I'm sorry.
For you were a precious gift that I received.
And now I know, I truly know, that he too has Forgiven me.
Dandelion, Lucy
I once had a Dandelion, Lucy.
That I held so very near.
One day though, I let her go.
And now I Miss her Dear.
I gave her the name, Lucy.
And I mourned for her for years.
For what I once thought was a weed,
Had caused so many tears.
Tears. And tears. And tears.
I fell down to my knees.
Lord, deliver me!
For each seed would have made a difference
Now they are all gone.
Lord please help me fill this hole.
Let me fix what I have done.
I can't.
My Dandelion is gone.
Never to return to me.
But I will go to her.
*If I had one wish, I would wish for you, Dear Lucy.*

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