Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Mommy Faults

So I made a post on all the things I strive my hardest to do "right" for my family. So I figure why not get real and talk about my faults, the things I struggle to do for my family, but fall short in doing. 

I am harsh when it comes to discipline, but I HATE yelling. I believe in talking to your child like they are an actual person. My Mom yelled a lot when I was little, especially when it came to things I couldn't help, like spilling a drink. I swore I would never yell about that, because I remember what it was like. But I still find myself doing it on occasion. It isn't me having to clean up the mess, it is that it ruins the carpet or whatever and it bothers me to no end because I can't fix it. We are going to be putting in hardwood in the next year or two, but for now I am trying to just eliminate the entire problem by having her keep her drinks in the kitchen, so we will see how that goes. I do yell other times when I probably shouldn't, and I am working on that too. 

Again, with the clean issue...I have been a lot better as far as scrubbing stuff down constantly, but I have a problem sometimes when Sam has toys in more than one room. I hate for more than one room at a time to be dirty. It literally makes me nervous, so I start to get irritated with her, and tell her to keep it in her room. I know it shouldn't be like that. I want her to be able to explore even more and not be confined to being in one room at a time. AndI don't want to go back on that medication, so I am trying to find ways to make that luck so far...Advice helps. lol 

Another fault, I go on auto pilot around about 10 or 11 o'clock. I am like, "Okay, clock out time." Ha Ha. And I am like, "Sam, go find something to do. I don't care if you play with your Leap Pad or what, but I am laying down with Daddy. Good Night." I feel bad because she is just left to wonder or lay down with us and watch television until we all fall asleep. That is one reason I started putting her to bed around 9:30 or 10:00. Like I stated before, I HATE wasted time, so I feel like she is better off taking a shorter nap during the day (and replacing that with productive playtime) than she is walking around the house bored. And on top of that, we get our night time routine like we used to. So that makes up for not getting to sleep with her. 

Hmm Hmm Hmm...I am sure there are is a lot more...But those are the main things I need to work on and that I am working on. Anybody else willing to admit their faults? :p 

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