Saturday, November 13, 2010

What's Up

Oh, Ha Ha. Look what I just found! I Love this picture! She was only 4 months old here!

These are our leaves. She says, "They're SO PRETTY!!!"

Sami's tutu-Obviously not the top she will be wearing with it.

Tie Backs

This will hang fron the ceiling to hold the canopy.

Minus the flower in the middle.

Not finished. I had to add the S, but I am not sure if I like the color of the rhinostones yet. lol.

Sami and I have still been working on getting ready for the holidays. However, Jessie doesn't want to do too much stuff for Christmas before Thanksgiving, so Sami and I made some leaves to hang from the ceiling. (To distract us from thinking about Christmas. lol.) However, I did start on mine and Sami's matching Christmas tutus. I actually finished them, but I still want to touch them up and get some more pics and figure out what tops we are going to wear with them. I actually think they turned out pretty good for my first attempt! Let's see...what else? OH! Sami's room-my Aunt is working on a few things still, but she made the tie backs for the tulle that is going over Sami's bed like a canopy. I have a picture of those. They are the rose with the crystal hanging from them. There is also a picture of the lamp shade, except we took off the flower in the middle. I didn't like it. Then I made a bow holder, not sure what I think yet though. Then we came up with some new ideas about making a new, matching bedset for Sami's doll bed (the bed that I had for my dolls growing up) out of material for Hobby Lobby. Eh...I guess I will just have to post pictures as it progresses and once I am done because our ideas just keep changing. =) And Christina gave me an idea, Update on Sami...She is talking like CRAZY! I Love to have conversations with her now. She knows when I am on the phone with Jessie and she will say, "Can I talk to Daddy." (He calls on his lunch break.) And she will tell him all about her day. The other day she said, "I woke up this morning, and played my game, and watched Barney, Lunch, I feeded my Babies, and I Love You. Bye." It was hillarious! She is also still enjoying Kindermusik. She asks for it all the time and she sings the songs all day. We are registering her for next quarter which is called Wiggles and Giggles. I guess that is it for now. She is just getting so BIG! Jessie and I just can't believe how big she has gotten. She is no longer a Baby. She feeds herself. She goes to the bathroom by herself. She can bathe herself, and almost dress herself. And she has her own opinions.! I know the pictures aren't that good, but most of them are off my phone...

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