Friday, September 17, 2010

The Things Sam Can Do-Look At Her Go!

The Funny Things-Okay, so she picks things up quick now. So the stuff we have been teaching her over the years has finally come into play. 1. She has been able to head bang since she was real little, but now she gets crazy with it! 2. She can "throw it up" you know, like during rap music (clean rap) you tell her to throw it up and she will throw her hand up in the air and bounce to the beat. 3. She can also "pound it," but Jessie taught her to say "bump it." She will come up to m!e and say, "Bup it!" 4. Another thing that is funny, but not so funny...She will stand in front of the tv and say "Stupid campers!" Ha Ha. Because when Jessie's plays his video game, Modern Warfare, she says that. And as long as that is the worst thing she ever says, I am fine with it. 5. She also LOVES to play Nintendo with us and Guuitar Hero on the XBox. She is good at Guitar Hero-singing. She can keep a tune. Nintendo, not so much, but she can still play it. Cute Things-Things we have taught her, but we still think it is cute the way she does it. 1. She Loves to pray! And at dinner, I will help her pray, but once we get to the last part, she will skip it and say "Amen!" You can tell she is in such a hurry to eat. 2. She knows all her manners. The funniest thing is when I say, "Sorry." She will say, "It's K, Momma." 3. She has Chicka Chicka Boom Boom memorized! SHE read it TO ME yesterday. And apparently, she can't acutally read, so that is the only good explanation. We read it a million times a day. =) 4. Not sure if this goes under funny or cute, but she is SO used to the camera, that she seriously will sit down, fix her hair, smile and say, "Take a picture!" lol. She also tells me to take a picture with her favorite dolls or animals. 5. I also think it is cute she knows all the Barney characters and the Barney song and stuff, but obviously the show taught her that. 6. My favorite thing EVER that she does...When Jessie goes to the bathroom, she will do one of two things. She will start "making fun" of him. You know in elementary school where they chant things to make fun of other kids. Well, Sami will do that, but she says, "Daddy goes to the bathroom! Daddy goes to the bathroom! Ha Ha Ha!" OR she will stand at the door and say, "Daddy uses the big boy potty! Yay, Daddy! Daddy T-Ted!" HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Development-Things we didn't teach her. 1. She can do all the stuff she has learned over the years such as crawling, walking, running. She can jump and walk upstairs on her own. Although, she is scared if the ones that lead up to our house because one of the stones is loose, so we have to help her. 2. Gosh, she is also learning to climb and she LOVES the monkey bars. My friend, Suzi watched her the other day while I took my final and she took her to the park and sent me pics. There was one where she told Suzi to take one and tell Mommy she was a monkey. (She was on the monkey bars.) Anyway, I saw Christina's post and thought this would be appropriate since Sami's birthday is less than a week away, next Thursday at exactly 1:00 pm, she will be TWO!!!

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