Saturday, September 25, 2010

Birthday Week=A HUGE Success!

So Sami's Birthday Week was even better than I thought it would be! First, we sort of took Sami out for her birthday dinner early, like Saturday. lol. But she Loved it. We went to IHop. Kids eat free AND they have some of the BEST childrens' food in my opinion. Then, Monday, we were going to take her to class, but we ended up late and had to try and reschedule. So Monday wasn't so hot. Tuesday she finished her community project for the nursing home. She was SO proud! It took us a little over a month to do it! Wednesday we took her out to the playground and to get icecream. We took her to Brusters for icecream. Again, her cone was free. Whatever it takes to save money AND keep her happy. =) And I had a coupon buy one get one free. Then we took her to Heritage Park and she had SO much fun! She doesn't get to go there much, so everything seemed new to her. Thursday, I think, was my FAVORITE day. Jessie SPOILED her that day. He got off work early and didn't tell me because he knew I would tell her. lol. After he got home, we took her to Coolidge Park, which she LOVED! She had only been there once before with Kylie Jade, but I didn't get in the water with her and she didn't really like it. She was scared of it. So this time we all wore our bathing suits. It still took her awhile to warm up to it though. There was nobody there though because it was in the middle of the work day and it is getting close to Fall. She was able to run around in the water without the bigger kids possibly running her over and getting her really hurt. I think Jessie had more fun than any of us. I don't think he has ever been there either. After that, he decided to take her to the candy store, the ones where you buy the candy by the pound and he bought her almost a pound of gummy worms, different types. One of them was a rattle snake taller than she was! Then he took us out to eat. He was going to buy a toy, but we were so worn out, so we took her to get one Saturday instead. He was determined to spoil her on her birthday, which was Thursday, since I got to plan out her entire birthday week and party. She got whatever she wanted on Thursday. If she wanted to ride on his shoulders, she got it, even after he was worn out from holding her so long. Then, Friday of course, was movie night. We rented Old Dogs, a family movie with Robin Williams in it. Sami thought it was hillarious. We liked it too. Then I got Back Up Plan for after she fell asleep, but she didn't fall asleep and we started the movie and it sucked, so we ended up watching Sponge Bob all night. lol. Today was pretty fun too because we woke up super early and took Sami to the Atlanta Aquarium. When we got there, we decided to buy the combo ticket for the World of Coke too, which was fun, but she was tired and not too interested. It was sort of more for us than her. We are geeks for learning. I am sure I have said that before. Anyway, we went to the Aquarium first and she has never been to an Aquarium. She LOVED it! She kept saying, "Fishes!!!" "Big fishes!" "Little fishes!" "Funny fishes!" Apparently they should start naming them by the way they look/act rather than genus and species. =p Afterward, we took her to the girt shop and got her a stuffed otter, which we didn't find out was a CHILD LEASH until after we told her she could have it. She was carrying it everywhere and wouldn't let us have it back. We thought it was a back pack, but then I realized it had no zipper and there was a leash attached to it. Oops! We also took her to lunch at Subway, but she didn't eat. But we did. Ha Ha. We were there ALL day! Atlanta. She passed out on the way home. As I almost did too. Now we are home and I am dreading her party tomorrow because there are gonna be a lot of people there who don't like each other and a few of them keep wanting to start something. SAMANTHA IS A 2 YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL!!! SHE DOESN'T NEED PEOPLE BRINGING THEIR DRAMA TO HER PARTY!!! Ugh, but we will see. On the bright side, the cupcakes and stuff are looking great!

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