Saturday, June 1, 2013


Man, this week has been a BLAST!!!

Last weekend was Memorial Day weekend, so Jessie had a 3 day weekend. He decided to take 2 of his vacation days, so that he would have a 5 day weekend. We were going to go on our trip to Gatlinburg this week, but as I mentioned before, we didn't get to because the car. We decided to make the best of it by doing some cheaper stuff in different areas.

Sunday: Sunday was my Family Reunion. Always fun. We pack up the car early-early in the morning, and trek up to the Hiwassee River in Tennessee with my Nana, Papaw, Aunt Chris, Mom, my "Siblings," and of course, Jessie, Sam and I. (And then of course all my extended family Great Aunts and Uncles, 2nd and 3rd Cousins were there.) It was pretty much the same as every year. But I always enjoy early morning breakfast at Hardee's on the way there. Decorating the graves. Finding out the stories behind our family. Going to the River. Eating a good lunch and going back home to sleep the rest of the afternoon away. Sam, Brennon, AND Jessie really enjoyed playing in the water too. It wore them all out. 

Monday: My sweet friend, Suzi, kept Samantha overnight so Jessie and I could go on an early anniversary date. (6 Years!) We were just going to go to dinner and a movie, but we found something better! We went to the Jack Daniels Distillery in Lynchburg, TN. By far the best date we have ever been on. Not just the place, but the fact that there really was no stress and no time limits. It was just-nice. We left early in the morning and got there around 11 o'clock-Central Time. We opted to take the extended tour because it didn't cost much. (They have a free tour that is slightly shorter and you don't get to taste the different types of Jack.) Since we took the extended tour, we had to wait until there was an available group, which was 3:30. So we walked the Town Square. So old fashioned. We both enjoyed that. We went into a Moon Pie General Store. A few Jack Daniels General Stores. (Jessie got a 6 pack of Black Jack and some Jack and Coke Fudge. I got a magnet and a post card-as usual.) Then we got some lunch at a restaurant called The Iron Skillet. Amazing, Country Style Food. (Reminded me of my Nana's old Restaurant.) They had awesome Prices. AND they use Jack Daniels Sauces. The tour itself was very informative. I really enjoyed seeing the way that they make their liquor, All Natural and COMPLETELY Eco-Friendly-right down to recycling their mash and using Energy Saving Light Bulbs. I don't drink, but the History and process were interesting enough that it didn't matter. We enjoyed the ride there and back, just talking away as usual. We got home after an almost 12 hour day. When we did, we made chili and rice for dinner-just something quick. And watched Scrubs, our new favorite show. (Since we decided to never turn on the TV when he gets off work, we allow ourselves to watch an episode or two of Scrubs right before bed.)

Samantha enjoyed herself too. Suzi had all kinds of stuff planned for them. She bought a pool for them to play in. They drew with chalk. Played games. Played pretend together. Baked brownies in the shape of cupcakes and put icing on them. Ordered pizza. Made a fort and watched movies together...She enjoyed having Suzi all to herself, but she also liked that Brennon came over too. (She watched Sam, Brennon, and Rowen-my brother and sister-all at the same time. Brennon and Rowen didn't stay the whole time though.) That was Samantha's first time away from home over night, and I have to say, she did AMAZING! She called once, to say Good Night. And that was it. I am very proud of her, but the whole "Getting Big" post is for another day.
Tuesday: I picked Sam up early Tuesday morning. It was a chill day for her and I before dance because Jessie went caving with his friend.

Wednesday/Thursday/Some of Friday: We went camping Wednesday/Thursday. And to the beach! My favorite place to go! This was also my favorite trip to the beach so far because it was so relaxing. Just the 3 of us. (We usually go in a group with Family and Friends.) We swam, built awesome sand castles-Jessie shows Sam every year how to do it with wet sand so it will stand. She always forgets. We buried each other in sand.  They fished with Sam's new rod. We played on the playground. We got an awesome camping spot right on the water. So Peaceful and Beautiful. We got to camp early and set everything up so we weren't rushing around. By 7 o'clock we had dinner roasting on the fire. We talked all night. Sam about all the fun she had on the beach and what she wanted to do next time. And about how she can't wait for the Summer and the fun she'll have and is having already. Then the Fall and all her new activities she'll start. Jessie about his workout. I talked about my Bible Study. We looked up campfire recipes on Pinterest...He He....And talked about alternatives to hygiene and personal care products like coconut oil since we don't use sunscreen-interesting was a dream for me. Something I could never replicate. Maybe things are just smoother now because Sam is older. Or maybe we are getting the whole camping thing down. Whatever it is, I don't want it to stop. 

We spent the rest if his vacation recuperating. I cleaned the house. We watched some Scrubs. We went to Brennon's field day...slept...Summer is finally here for us. :)

At Aunt Chris's Night Before the Reunion

They had a blast! I Love that they are so close!

Sam and Rowen

Playing in the Hiwasee River

Jack Daniels-I got a LOT more pictures, but I am tired of waiting on them to upload.

Tasting Room

Amazing Restaurant!

Jack and Coke Fudge

Talking After The Tour

I think Jessie likes playing with the sand toys more than Sam does!

Completely Burried

First Time Fishing With Her New PINK Pole
She actually held a fish and threw it back in the water. (They were catching and releasing.)

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