Thursday, February 7, 2013

Kinda a Vent-ish Sorta Just getting it all out.

Things have been PERFECT here lately and things have also been a DISASTER.

Between Jessie and me, everything has been just great. I like to buy him random gifts and write him Love letters and such. The other day I got him a card at the store. I spent an hour deciding what I wanted to write and how I wanted to write it. I left several Bible verses about how the man is the head of the household, meant to lead his family to God. He said it really touched him. I also made sure to let him know in my letter that I have noticed all the changing he has underwent since he heard my speech a few weeks ago, and that it really made me happy that he has actually changed and not just stayed that way a few days, like he has before. And then I Promised him to serve him more, since that is my job. (Sometimes I get lazy, and if he wants water, I tell him to get up and get it himself.) I also promised to stress less, which I have done an AMAZING job at, until yesterday, which I am getting to. So, with all that..changing, we really work together even better than before. And it has made the house run a lot smoother. Meaning, ZERO arguments a day. No arguments about him eating out, because he is sticking to his organic diet. No arguments about me stressing about reworking a budget because he screwed something up...So yah, pretty much the only thing we really had to argue about was money and me over stressing.

Everything was good. We are taking all of our income tax to pay off our debt except student loans and the house. So mostly credit cards we used for Christmas or to fix the cars. One of them we maxed out putting the floors in. Another we are still trying to pay off our bed. And then some small ones where Jessie got a guitar or we got some clothes or whatnot. What a great feeling! To not have to be making payments on that junk anymore! I feel-FREE! We have been planning more for a a baby, which still hasn't happened. Which is completely fine with me. I am to the point where it will happen or it won't. I am not tracking at all anymore. He has been helping me with my speeches and things for the center. (Which makes me happy that he supports me and hopeful that he will join in with Sam and me and we can begin working together as a team. I would love that more than ANYTHING.) We have been going out and doing stuff in this pretty outdoor weather, talking about riding bikes in the Battlefield and going to the Blue Hole this summer, and going camping in the Smokies as our vacation this year. But alas, something had to go wrong because the Devil hates happiness....

Yesterday on the way to the the library, my car red lined. I didn't realize that it has overheated that much because it has never done that, so I didn't expect it to. We were Blessed. I had a huge picture of cold water that we had taken to the park. One of my favorite male librarians there helped me put it in the car since Jessie was at work. No big deal. We would get a thermostat on the way home...I'll be danged if they didn't tell me that they don't sell thermostats for the plastic housing anymore. I had to buy a new, metal housing AND thermostat. Only $40.00. I didn't have a choice. So I got it. 

THEN I got home and realized that we were using WAY too much electricity the last few days....OF COURSE WE HAVE! Why not one more thing on top of the car? I figure out the pop off valve was leaking-AGAIN, for the 3rd time. WE HAVE REPLACED EVERYTHING IN THE TANK! Jessie was convinced it was the tank and we needed a new one, but before we just used the "trial and error" method and bought the most expensive thing, I called Lowe's and spoke to a plumber. He told us the only thing that would cause that since we have an expansion tank above the water heater, is the pressure in the house it too high, so we turned it down and it was still too high, which means we have to replace the piece! Cheaper than a new tank I guess. The pressure coming into your house is supposed to be 42ish or 50....Ours broke the needle. It was over 160! OF COURSE IT WAS!

I am not letting this defeat me! I have too much to be Thankful for, like the fact that we even own a house, and were able to get into it so easily with such small payments...Although I did have a small breakdown last night. I just cried and cried because I won't be able to go to Dalton today (By time Jessie realized he needed another piece for the thermostat, all the stores were closed)...I guess that was just the last straw for me....I broke down crying.

Well, I say all that to vent...BUT I do want to be positive and say that this could NOT have come at a better time! God had his hand on us. Jessie got 20 hours overtime on this check, which has never happened before, along with a pretty decent bonus. After paying the bills, including the ridiculous electric bill we had last month because the hot water heater was broken last month and we didn't notice it, putting money back for his trip to Knoxville, getting stuff that we have been needing to maintenance the house, and some other things we have been needing here and there, like money for the upcoming consignment sales! Sam desperately needs new clothes! I was able to put back some money in savings. Which meant enough to cover everything that just broke! (I am also getting a good deal on some cloth diapers! AI2s! I am super excited! They are just the brand I want! And only $10.00 apiece for the cover and the insert! Neutral colors too.) :)

So, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I pray Jessie will get everything fixed today and we can go back to normal and my head will stop spinning. I am really looking forward to Friday! Morning out with Maria and the girls, FIRST time co-leading the new Save One Bible study!, And hoping to make it to the February PAT meeting!!! Busy, Busy Day Ahead!

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