Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I've Got A Long Road Ahead Of Me

That I have already traveled a bit, but I am determined to make some good out of this. I want to use what I have been through and make a difference in the world. Therefore, I also want to teach Sami to do the same. And what better way than to have her start now. I have a few idea on how she can do small things to make a difference.

1. Pick up trash.
2. Recycle.
3. Pray for someone in need.
4. Donate old toys/clothes.
5. Color pictures for someone in a hospital/nursing home.
6. Visit someone in a nursing home who doesn't get any visitors.

Any other ideas?
I really want to help her make a difference, even at this age. That way, when she is older, she will continue to want to make a difference, big or small.

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