Monday, July 19, 2010

I Don't Believe This TMI? lol.

Samantha is completely potty trained, in less than a week! We started Thursday (for real this time) because she has been telling us every now and then that she needs to go and she will go. All I had to do was give her "Big Girl Underwear" and have her go at it! I asked her every now and then and she will say yes or no. She only says no when she really doesn't have to so I don't have to worry about her playing games. I am a freak about messes, so I started her out on the absorbent underwear that you can feel on the inside, but there is no mess on the outside. And at night she wears the plastic water proof ones. Every time she uses the potty, she gets a penny. (She LOVES pennies, and she puts it in her piggy bank.) The first day she had like two accidents, so I told her, we were going to go back to diapers for now-(not really.) And she lost it! She kept screaming, "NO DIAPERS!!!" So we kept trying with the underwear and the next day she only had one accident and that is because we fell asleep. I was really worried about Saturday because I yard sale with my Mom those days (Which, by the way I got her some BEAUTIFUL boutique dresses with the tags still on them for CHEAP!) but I didn't want to ruin what we had going with Sami, so I brought her potty and she used it! ALL DAY! We were in and out of the car and going to people's houses and she still did her thing. Even yesterday at church and then at Play World she used the bathrooms! And at home now, she will go use it by herself! She has had NO ACCIDENTS AT ALL! I am very proud of her! This is just in her personality. She is just an easy Baby. Even when she was little, she gave up her own paci and the first time I gave her a cup, well, she hasn't had a bottle since then. (That was the day before her first birthday.) We got lucky with her! I Hope she keeps it up. I am sure she will. =)

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