Monday, February 11, 2013


Since I haven't been writing as much as usual, since I have other blogs I write in more often now, I like to just do updates for Sam's journal.

 Everything with the house and cars are fixed and back to normal!!!  What a huge load off of me!

Ha! When I wrote this this morning, that was true. Then my car broke down on the way to lunch with some that sucks. My insurance pays for towing though and Jessie is working on it now. We are not sure what it is yet. But I won't let that get me down, because today has been great!

Jessie and I are doing Awesome! We have both been doing well about making our changes a HABIT. Jessie has learned self control when it comes to money and started being more sensitive to my feelings. And I have started biting my tongue and not nagging as much. :)

As far as Samantha goes, we have officially started her weather study.  It has been a great experience so far. And it is always exciting to start over with a new study, new books, new activities, new information.

Oh, and my Baby got a new carseat Friday! One of my friends sold me her daughter's old seat at an AWESOME price! It is only a year old and I know that it has never been in a wreck. It is the AIR carseat that I have been wanting for Sam since I can remember. It adjusts to Sam's height. It will hold her in a 5 point up to 65 pounds. Then it turns into a booster up to 100 pounds and 57 inches. It is designed specifically to protect a child from head injuries by providing extra cushion and reducing the impact by releasing air when there is a crash! We took our extra seat out of Jessie's car and we are just going to use this one. We hardly ever ride in the Mustang, so it won't get moved much.

Speaking of carseats...

I have still been buying baby items, when I find good deals, and I recently found an AMAZING deal! (Thanks, Mom.) I have been planning to buy Bum Genius cloth diapers for our next baby. I found some for $10.00 apiece. She had 24 for sale, and I asked her what she would take for all of them. She said $150.00, but not only does it come with the cloth diapers. It comes with liners (They are ONE SIZE AI2s. They are all neutral colors.) AND bamboo liners, for overnight! AND a few packs of biodegradable liners. AND 2 wet/dry bags! Holy crap! She gave me more diapers than she said she had originally. She gave me all the Bum Genius plus some extra cute Alva Baby printed diapers. (Those are girly, so we may not end up using them. But we have them just in case.) She gave me an array of diapers. Some of them were the button ones and some of them were velcro. I added it up. That everything together is almost $1000.00 worth of stuff-when you add in taxes and shipping and buying everything individually. She bought them new, and used them a few months before deciding that she couldn't handle cloth diapering because she has 3 older children, all in sports, and they are always on the go. She needed convenience. I am so excited! That is not a bad investment at all! I don't remember the last time I was that excited about a deal! I won't have to buy ANYTHING else. And on top  of that, she gave me some priceless information. She was telling me how to keep the diapers from staining and what to do if they do. She told me what types of detergent you can use. And how to fix the elastic if it starts getting weak. She even gave me tips on using the wet/dry bags and the bio degradable liners. I stood outside and talked to her for 30 minutes, all about cloth diapers and how to use them and what to do and what not to do. I am very grateful for that lady. It was so nice of her to give me all that advice when she didn't have to.

I also got some dresses from Ross the other day. They are long, "hippy like" dresses. They are so comfortable, and they come to my ankles so when I do get pregnant, I will have something that will grow with me. They also pull down pretty easy at the top, which will help with breastfeeding. Woot!

We will be totally prepared by time I get pregnant. There are two big things left I can buy now. I want to buy a backpack carrier since we like to hike a lot. (Looks like it will be about $50.00 if we buy used.) And I would like to MAYBE get a co-sleeper. After I get pregnant, we will buy a carseat. (Definitely the AIR. I LOVE Sam's new AIR seat!) And bedroom themed items and clothes and such. I am kind of glad we have had so long to prepare! It will happen, I am sure, and when it does, we won't be hurrying around to get everything we need.

Here is the cloth diapering stuff:

My Whole Stash
Wet/Dry Bags
Bio Degradable Liners
Liners-Some Regular, Some Bamboo

The longer ones are regular. The others are bamboo.

Bum Genius Diapers
The Inside-They look new!

Bum Genius Velco AI2 One Size-"Daddy Friendly"
Alva Baby Printed Diapers
More Alva Baby-Fuzzi Diapers

Here is what we have been up to:

Making Windchimes for our Butterfly Garden
Making a Rotation Model

Playing in the One Random "Dust" of Snow We Got In Between Beautiful Weather
Drawing with Chalk

Bowling on the Front Porch

Going to the Discover Museum with Kylie Jade :)

Chillin In Her New Carseat!

Playing Hide and Go Seek With Daddy

Daddy Teaching Sam About How Hay Makes Grass Grow
Riding Bikes (Her helmet was crooked. I know. But she never really rode without one of us beside her. And she never really rode fast.)

Daddy Riding Sam's Bike

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