Tuesday, March 15, 2011

PAT Again

Today was Samantha's March visit with Parents As Teachers. I got some pics this time. She did some really fun activities! First, we did a Hide-And-Go-Seek game with shaving cream. She sat at the table and we covered a place mat with shaving cream. She asked her to find certain characters, like Elmo, and Samantha would have to move the shaving cream with her hand to reveal the character. It is basically to show Samantha that parts=a whole. But Samantha didn't really appreciate that. She kept saying, "I need a towel." I got pics with my phone that I may try to upload, but I didn't get any on my camera. Also, she did an activity with a coffee can and a few magnetic circles, all different colors. She had to match the circles together. She did an awesome job with it! I was really impressed. They also did a match game and an iSpy book. Samantha really enjoyed that, but not the match game. I think she was starting to get tired. Then we sat in Samantha's room while she played and we talked. I love talking to Tammie. She is so interesting.
I am also adding a picture of Samantha's Easter outfit. And some pictures of yesterday. We went to a park before my interview. Jessie was sick all weekend and had to call into work Monday morning. Well, he slept in until about 10:30, and started feeling a LOT better. (I could tell. He didn't look so pale.) So he ate something while I finished cleaning the house. Then we made Spaghetti and Meatsauce for dinner. (We had to go ahead and put it in the crock pot so that it would be ready when we got back home...MMM...There is nothing like the smell of food when you first walk in the door.) Anyway, then we decided to go somewhere. So we went to Heritage Park. It was so much fun. We really LOVE to spend days together. I am really hoping to find a 2nd shift job so that we can. In fact, we talked about both of us applying for a job at Convergy's calling center for 2nd shift. (Of course, if both of us got the job, only one of us would take it.) But I have heard they will hire anybody...so it is worth a shot.
Lastly, I forgot to post about this, Jessie has been GREAT about not playing his video game! He took his XBox to a friend's house awhile back and hasn't hooked it back up since. And he never really plays on the PS3. We just use it to watch BluRays. He said he just isn't that interested in games anymore, and that they are a waste of time to play them constantly. (Which blows my mind, because this coming from a guy who told me about a month ago that he will NEVER outgrow his video game. It's not just a phase like everybody says.) We didn't even renew his XBox Live subscription, and I had the money put back for it...I really like this. He has more time now. He helps me cook dinner. And plays with Samantha while I clean up. And at night we either watch a movie or go outside or something.
This is the color game.
The Match Game
Her Easter outfit! Thank God! No fighting between grandparents this year. WHO gets her dress! Last year, she had one dress for church and another for her egg hunt. It was rediculous!
Sometimes I think he wishes we had a little boy, especially since Little Miss Samantha has become Little Miss Attitude. lol.
Not sure what that was about, but Samantha got a kick out of it.
She is getting tall! Look at her legs!
This is her new chair that she is Oh So Excited about.

Speaking of Easter, I am not sure if I posted pictures last year, but here are some of her last Easter, just for fun...
The silver one was Brennon's and the purple one was Samantha's.
She was so much younger...
This was her church dress.
And her egg hunt dress. =p

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