Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Not sure what to say. My Husband is no good at surprises to say the very least. He tries, but he always ends up telling me what I am getting. He got me the bed set I have been wanting though. =) We had breakfast together, but he didn't have much time because he ended up having to work. We spent most of the day after he got off work with my Mom and his Mom. My Mother's Day didn't come until later that night. He took us out to eat (somewhere cheap-lol) and we took it to the park with the Baby late at night. (She is a night owl.) And then after we got home and I got Sami to bed, he went to rent a movie. But by time he got back, I had fallen asleep. Oh, well. Better luck next year. Oh, but Sami did make me a card and a little "journal" and she painted a flower pot and planted flowers for me. I just Love her art work. I really do. In fact, I told Jessie when we get our own place, that is what we are covering the walls with-pictures and art work. =D

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